Breaking the Information Asymmetry

Through CML Pro Research, Capital Market Laboratories® is one of the most sought after boutique firms in finance by clients and public company executives. 

Our research sits next to Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and every other multi billion dollar institution as members of Factset and the famed Thomson Reuters First Call.

Through TradeMachine®, Capital Market Laboratories® also powers FinTech software for stock and option traders.

Although we serve institutional investors and traders, our ethos has always been to break the information asymmetry that has plagued retail investors for decades. 

It is our privilege to provide the same research our institutional clients receive to tens of thousands of retail investors at a fraction of the price.

Trade Machine PRO

Multi-feature back-testing software which includes our powerful trade discovery engine, the Pro Scanner, Intra-day alerts, weekly trade setups, back-testing technical signals such as John Carter's TTM Squeeze and The CML Mammoth Model.

CML PRO Research

At Capital Market Laboratories we focus on the future -- not as in the next year, or even 3-years, but as in the next decade, or even two decades. We focus on the world changing trends that will occur, irrespective of recessions, booms and busts, interest rates, even wars.

Pattern Finder

Pattern Finder is everything MarketSmith® hoped to be and more. This new platform has vastly improved technology, pattern finding capabilities, AND is 70% less expensive. The platform has algorithmically identified CANSLIM patterns, uses machine learning to generate support, resistance, and congestion lines, and includes a powerful screener with even more fundamental metrics than other industry leaders.

A free analysts tool and news site.